
That could just about be Jezebel’s new tagline. I mean, it’s great that they seem to have gained a degree of self-awareness about how annoying they used to be, but now they have no self-awareness about how recent that self-awareness is, and how they’re still not that long out of being really annoying.

I had a similar opinion about this topic when it became a thing last year.

If You Are Kind, People Will Know You’re From Minnesota - self-hating mantra spouted by all NYC transplants before they start the day. Remember to scowl!

I read like a voracious word slut. I will do anything for a character that gets under my skin, for a wordsmith that spins a tale. Fuck that - poetry is my favorite tryst.

Because now it’s old and cliche. In a years time.

I love the Gawkerverse, but any time that love starts to blind me to the fact that the staff is almost totally made up of Brooklyn-by-way-of-the-Midwest hipsters who only like things when they’re “obscure” and never quite got out of the middle school habit of hating everything on principle, they make sure to remind me.

wait wasn’t this a ‘thing’ on jezebel last year? is that why it’s passe now?

You’re very charitable.

“back down” “another win” What are you interested in happening? You seem overly concerned with “them” not winning. You sound like Archie Bunker.

Yes. They have said that. Jamokes say lots of things. There aren’t that many hot models in Niagara Falls, man.

Because even if what they’re doing is impotent, it’s still illegal.

This is nonsense. They don’t want to die. They want to say “I’m prepared to die for the Constitution” so that people will go “Wow, these guys want to die, they’re a scary right-wing death cult!” They’re morons. They’re morons loitering in a shack.

Honest question: Where does it benefit liberals to labels these assholes “terrorists”? What’s the endgame to that besides saying, “der, white people and guns!”

So I guess the Federal Government grabbing millions of acres of formerly state and private land because some bird watcher saw a special owl is ok? They are protesting the grazing fees on public land, the ending of grazing on public lands (which puts them out of business).

Listen, the very notion that they’re genuinely “doing” anything is flattering to them. If they were serious about some sort of insurrection against government, they could—would—have picked virtually any other building in North America to start it. They don’t want a fight. They want to get interviewed on Fox News.