Would love to see an article about the other side of coin. Anyone who opposes Hillary is automatically called a sexist.
Would love to see an article about the other side of coin. Anyone who opposes Hillary is automatically called a sexist.
How can you support such a craven warmonger?
Is anyone actually not going to vote for Sanders because of his supporters though? Because I’m not sure I’ve ever encountered anyone who agrees with him but who would actually be swayed to not vote for him because of some misbehaving fanboys.
Not to mention the Clinton’s crime bill and welfare reform were terrible for POC! And her history of race-baiting in 2008. But no, all Bernie supporters are racist white dudes!
I support Bernie because he has been correct on many issue that Hillary has flip-flopped on.
Iraq war
XL Pipeline
Gay marriage
Also, if you are incapable of understanding the difference between a candidate and a candidate's supporters, maybe stay home on election day.
I know a lot of people who support Sanders, and I have yet to encounter this archetype.
Bernie Sanders has some annoying sexist fans.
I always think it’s funny when my friends do this. When they’re dating the guy, he’s the BEST in bed! He has the biggest dick, makes them orgasm a gazillion times a night, etc. Once they break up though, all of the sudden his penis size was barely average and the only time she came was when she pulled out the vibrator…
“Maybe the worst is when someone would place a period in front of an @-reply, thereby broadcasting some petty internet argument to at least one participants’ entire timeline”
feuds, especially, are always pointless; they’re performative clashes of ideologies that rarely do any actual convincing. At the very least, participating in them made me feel ashamed for caring as much as I did in the moment, and worse, for showing how much I cared. ... I certainly stopped liking the impulse to fire…
“Ugh, Twitter bugs me. Reading it makes me feel icky.” - Guy who works for website that helped a prostitute blackmail the CFO of a rival company, leading to the resignation of half the website’s writers/editors.
“There was people’s tendency to waste time by responding to a national tragedy with “No Words.’”
Next up: I think ketchup tastes bad, so I don’t eat it: a 7000 word glimpse into the human soul.
If Brady can run on them for 13 yards, imagine what Cam will do.
As a Broncos fan this is definitely what concerns me most. The team the Broncos have played most like the Panthers, to me, is the Seahawks, and Denver hasn’t done well against them. And considering the Panthers appear to be at their peak, like the Seahawks were a couple of years ago, it could be ugly.
Will be fun to see how this defense plays against the Panthers who actually have a running game.
I don’t buy this “oh, they got into his head” storyline. They knocked Brady down or got to him 20 times yesterday, and yet he still got up every time and got the last second TD and had a chance for the tying two at the end of the game. This was despite Vollmer and Cannon putting in the worst performances by offensive…
It's a Philly thing, you wouldn't understand.