The Good Mrs Dr Professor

“By everything, he presumably means everything.”

That was a good movie.

Netflix trailers are almost always awesome. This is one of the exceptions. That song, whether it is good or not, just doesn’t fit. Like, ewww.

Yes, let’s not critically think and write about the media our children consume, let’s just let them blindly watch anything. Sounds like good parenting skills...

Now playing

Say what you will about Stone Temple Pilots, but this song is fantastic.

“Props to Weiland for not getting his pants twisted over Range Life.”

Corgan’s anger is because he believes himself to be both a genius and an unassailable god when everyone knows he’s just a preening twat with a good amount of technical ability who can occasionally write a decent song.

Props to Weiland for not getting his pants twisted over Range Life.

By the time the Wildabouts came around, Scott had given up. You can see it. I don’t think he necessarily wanted to overdose (which is where my money’s at for cause of death, for obvious reasons), but I think for the first time, he didn’t care if he did. Gotta be tougher than one can imagine to go from arenas and

You know who’s also responsible for these mass shootings? The NRA. After Sandy Hook, 92% of Americans supported background checks, but then the NRA stepped in and weakened the will of Congress to carry out the wishes of their constituents.

Depends on which family member.

Well, I certainly don’t approve of what they did but you know, Republicans are always saying they want immigrants to really embrace the American way of life.

Now they’re going to try to ban both Muslims and environmental inspectors.

The more information that is flooding in, the more it seems that this is less like an Al Qaeda or ISIS attack more akin to the Boston Bombing. Two people who had a grudge, wanted attention, wanted to be seen as hot shot big bads and did so through violence. (And, yes, the two Boston Bombers tried to do the whole, “We

The baby is in custody and had yet to be questioned.

The shooter in Colorado was “very Christian.” Conclusion? Religion is the root of much evil.

The house arrest that he is currently under seems reasonable. At least we know he’s securely confined to his home with the mandated ankle monitors.

They have middle eastern names? Bet the republicans will have something to say now.