The Good Mrs Dr Professor

Considering how much action was live action using real cars and stunt people, vs very little CGI, I find it remarkable. This is one of the best action movies in decades.

I was not a “decent” action movie. It’s one of the best action flicks of all time. How is the movie merely decent to you? Can you name a movie with a better car chase scene, for example, than mad max? That would be interesting as the entire movie was one long car chase, while also telling a story with an unusual


You shouldn’t feel bad about it, at all (even if the general consensus is that you’re an awful, awful person! bad, millennial! bad!) It’s good that you acknowledge the help you received.

It’s true, I’ll freely admit that. I coasted through two years of art school on my parent’s dime. I bought a house at 22, and part of my closing costs were paid for by my parents. I quit a horrible fucking job at 26 and was able to cash out a CD that had been taken out for me by my grandmother to get through the

Of interest: The porn industry is quicker to drop someone over allegations of rape than the NFL or NCAA.


I hope he gets all of it.

Cute, but clearly a spy.

Their feelings get Thor too, they’re just more Loki about it.


I don’t hear Rodgers defending Norwegians when fans chant “VIKINGS SUCK”!

Spike Lee’s best movie is by far 25th Hour because he got out of his own way for once and just made a good movie based on someone else’s excellent script. It works as not only a love letter to NYC but also a poignant story of redemption and forgiveness. Great acting as well. Ed Norton, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rosario

and so was Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind.

“Ah, they’re just looking for a gotcha moment, so let me LITERALLY blame black students for structural racism. That’ll give them what they want and keep the heat off”

Holy shit that embedded video from Bomani Jones. Hey pal, if you know that no answer you give will be the right one, then maybe it isn’t the students that are unreasonable. Maybe it’s you that’s the problem.

A sneak peak showed the CGI doesn’t hold up as well during the rest of the movie.

It's not "being disruptive" if you're QUIET. The teacher could have said, "We'll talk after class," and continued the lesson. But the teacher is an asshole. s o is the administrator, so is the cop. So is his fucking commanding officer.

Except that she WAS NOT being disruptive. She was so quiet that the other students initially had no idea what she’d done to get into trouble. She pulled her phone out, got caught, quickly put it away and apologized and then refused to turn her phone over to her teacher. He then ordered her out of the room (they were

If dude could bench 600, he could have picked her up in her desk and carried the whole thing out.