The Good Mrs Dr Professor

The biggest takeaway should be that Lott said that both girls, including the one arrested for filming, would still be getting charged with “disturbing the school.”

Based on all your comments you seem hellbent on painting her as some crazy witch who like preys on good dudes or something. I’m not sure why you seem to have some weird fixation or vendetta against Halle Berry but you should probs get that checked out.

I feel like there could have been a nicer way for Beyoncé to get the assistant’s attention without admonishing a full grown adult as if she were a small child.

Now playing

Where’s the link to the song? Oh here it is:

If I’m paying 31 million buckaroos for my wedding, it must include Idris Elba interrupting the proceedings, declaring his everlasting love for me and marrying me on the spot while David Bowie sings “Life on Mars.” For starters.

Well to be fair to the Palins, he built a clock. They have no frame of reference to deal with that kind of behavior. It’s not like he got someone pregnant or got arrested for starting a fistfight at a house party.

Well, they’d been defeated on Endor, it’s not like the Ewoks went on a galaxy-wide tour of drum playing.

Heh. It’s high school all over again. When I read this post, I was like, “WHO DOESN’T KNOW WHO MASTER P IS?” Youngsters.

911 calls are public information, though.

Lamar really has had a rough life. If you take a moment to look into it you’ll realise that he has accomplished a lot considering what a shitty card he was dealt. Regrettably guys like him usually end up in jail and never get to do the things he has done. I genuinely hope he’ll come through and get better. If he dies

I’ll tell you why this joke is so funny: It’s funny because in this story, the subject was found about 18 hours ago probably choking on his own vomit and is now on his death bed with his loved ones surrounding him.

Now here’s a guy who, even in the middle of a really sad and emotional story, is able to keep his head and get right to the essence of what matters.

I know, right? What are her readers preserving? Does she mean persevering? Maybe the whole site was meant to be called Persevere but her spelling was shaky...?

Write when you get work!

“Thank you for sharing your stories and preserving with us.”

I’m going through a very unexpected divorce (his choice, not mine!), and some of this grieving rings true. It’s like my husband died... and I have no idea who this random, angry, awful stranger is. The well-meaning but awful statements have been “You’re still young enough to have children”, “He’s an asshole”, and “He

I quit cigarettes when I started vaping in March. I went from a 20 year, pack-a-day habit to vaping the equivalent of 3-4 cigarettes worth of nicotine a day. I haven’t had one cig since I bought my first vaping device. The juice I use has 4-5 ingredients, pharmaceutical grade nicotine being one. I don’t stink of

I smoked a pack a day for 12 years and last year I bought a vape on Christmas Eve. I haven’t smoked a single cigarette since. It only has 4 ingredients, the most “harmful” nicotine- but even so I’m consuming less than half the amount of nicotine from when I was smoking. I buy odorless vape liquids and no longer smell

Republicans being hypocrites? Oh no, they couldn’t possibly...