The Good Mrs Dr Professor

Exactly, or tight braids or weaves. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tight man-bun.

I think the reason people associate the muppets with “gentle humor and good natured goofiness” because of Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, etc.

The tepid response to her awesome speech speaks volumes. Hollywood’s limousine liberals don’t like to be confronted with the truth.

Unfortunately I don't think it'll matter in the court of public opinion. At least not to republicans/evangelicals/fundies/morons etc. . We all saw the debate, the people going after PP don't care about the truth, they never did. These people think rights only belong to white Christians & everyone else is dead to


As humans live longer now than ever, makes sense to have children later in life. Sure more risks come with it, but having children is always risky. I'd rather 40 year olds having kids than 14 year olds.

Ms. Holmes and Mr. Foxx

After Julia Roberts started dating that married dude and then went around wearing a shirt rubbing it in the wife’s face, FUCK Julia Roberts. I’m sure there’s more to the story but still, not classy.

“People are taking a joke out of context, it was just a couple of guys messing around, they saw the [clothing], and jokingly put it on.”

Refugees are NOT illegal immigrants. They are recognized as having rights under international law. They are now all but being held prisoner by the Hungarian government which refuses either to let them go by train to Germany which has said it will accept them, or to treat them according to international law as refugees

Linda Evangalista

Christy Turlington was my favorite of the bunch.

I’m on Team Denise. Kermit deserves a woman who appreciates him for the kind hearted frog he is and won’t karate chop him 10 times a day.

That’s fine, Miss Piggy has obviously moved on.

And then fry it up in a pan.

throbbing, 1-2 inch long piece of felt

Why should Kermit stay in an abusive relationship? Why shouldn’t he be with someone who treats him lovingly?

Definitely Not Miss Piggy

Yeah because black people could only be servants in this video. This comment is so preditable.