The Good Mrs Dr Professor

This show was doomed the moment they failed to realize, what a treasure they had in Nicole Beharie. They’ve tried everyting in their power to sideline Abbie, from making the story all about Crane and his family, to neglecting every possible personal story about her. The show thinks she’s a machine without a personal

Yes, Iris is a sterling example of black female love interests for white male main characters despite the fact that at no point in the first season was she his girlfriend, he just mooned over her, and not only is it confirmed that she won’t be his girlfriend in the second season, but they’re introducing a white girl

Apparently, the showrunners would rather have an unsuccessful series with white leads than a successful series with multiracial leads. I will read the early-season-3 cancellation notice with interest, but I hate that Nicole Beharie and Orlando Jones are being treated with so much unwarranted contempt and hope that one

Greatness. Pure greatness. She inspires me and countless other little black girls to not be ashamed of our bodies, our strength, our hair, just fucking everything. The Williams sisters are by far my favorite athletes and are some of the best in their sport. People will talk shit, some deserved, but she is the best.

I gave up trying to watch this at 2:15. Seinfeld is the most boring person on the planet. Also, love his “color-blind” note in the beginning, “Trevor Noah has a rich background of many cultures, colors, and languages. But none of that matters. To me he is just a funny guy.” Racism is over, everybody! I mean, race

I like this series, but i find I like Jerry Seinfeld less and less with each episode. How does a guy who was an adult in the 80s and 90s know so little about apartheid...?

Watch Jerry Seinfeld try to explain to Trevor Noah why there were no black people on his TV show, except for the token “sassy black woman.”

Watch Jerry Seinfeld explain to Trevor Noah that it’s perfectly natural for a man in his 30's to date and sleep with a 17 high school student because, “She was really mature for her age, and I’m just a kid at heart.”

I want to like Trevor Noah, a lot, I just... I don’t know, I feel like Jessica Williams would have been far better (even though she didn’t want the job).

Why is Jesus carrying around the confederate flag? That strikes me as inappropriate for the king of kings.

Well, it unexpectedly rained on my face. They clearly have so much friend love for each other and really meant something to one another. This is as mushy as a judge can get while doing her job and I’m glad she told him that what she remembers most is how nice he is. Seems like it really touched him and could be a

Now, I feel obligated to mention Michaela DePrince who I’m also obsessed with.

Also, fuck it, I’ll go there. She’s so despicable that I’ll go there. Have you ever seen a more punchable blind mole rat ass kind of face? Restrain me wise Emma.

Jesus. Hector. Christ. I hope someone proposes during her stupid fucking wedding. I hope everyone who’s not the bride wears white just to spite her. I hope her maid of honor gives a really mean, passive-aggressive speech. I hope her aunt gets too drunk and hits on the groom, and he goes for it.

I know you're trolling but I'll still play. No one is trying to make the flag illegal. People are just tired of having the government and business endorsements. It is no longer socially acceptable, that is all that has happened.

And people are still legally allowed to fly Confederate flags. No one’s saying otherwise. The owners of private property that is often open to the public do not want people bringing their redneck flags there. There’s nothing legal about any of this. It’s like when people complain about freedom of speech on a message

Wrongly associated racism? Like how long until the KKK start lynching whites?

I know! I’m from the north, so I never really cared about the confederate flag one way or the other, but the Duke brothers are just a couple good ol’ boys, never meaning no harm! I guess, in fairness, they have been in trouble with the law since the day they was born.

What’s next?