The Good Mrs Dr Professor

Colleges don’t turn white people away because they’re white. That has never been the case and it never will be. Hell she could’ve applied to historically black colleges and got in. She’s just an entitled brat who got mad that she didn’t get into the college of her dreams so instead of taking the loss like many other

This woman is glorious. The picture of her, triumphantly holding up the flag while she is still up towards the top of the pole, needs to become iconic. It needs to be in history books about this era, when this time is written about as a time of great changes and many triumphs. We have not had a lot of those triumphs,

Two things can be true:

I’m still stunned that it is somehow okay to strip a group of people of their nationalistic identity.

She’s the kind of person people write folk songs about.

Oh, I get it. She’s supposed to wait quietly until the people in power decide to do the right thing. After all, that’s how all things get accomplished.

“Oh, theys gon be powerful mad now! Best you not rile them white folks up none!” WTF was that, a Samuel L.Jackson outtake from Django Unchained?

Yes! Cosign. As an atheist I long for a post-theistic world, but we forget the crucial and central role black christianity played in abolition, emancipation, civil rights. It was, as the President said, their home, harbor, bunker...

I’m a white atheist, but I was sobbing by the end of that, hoping against hope that Rev. Pinckney and his flock found their heavenly reward.

The people at Gawker did a hell of a thing when they hired Greg Howard to write for them, and I am sure I’m not the only one who is thankful they did.

No, she has not.

It can symbolize anything you want it to. But you have to understand that it was created as a symbol of slavery, and to a large portion of the population it symbolizes racism and oppression. So when other people see your symbol of love of the south, they don’t feel love at all.

Make a new flag that says “I love the South!”. Put a palm tree / gator/ sweet tea on it. Problem solved.

Please explain to me how a flag that represents a failed state which existed for only 4 years can possibly be interpreted as representing “Just the love of the south”.

Those people are either lying or are ignorant of history. The Confederacy was an explicitly racist state.

The swastika symbolizes something to some people that doesn’t include racism or hatred either. Does that mean we should be flying it on public land?