The Gold | Digital Media Group

Is this Smush Parker?

Regardless if they win the finals or not I think 73-9 is about the negativity towards their 2015 finals victory, achieving this really brings additional validity to last season. As an organization to of been so successful and innovative in 15' to only achieve a higher mark the following year and possibly the highest

Well that was quick...

For everything Kobe has been through the last few years this finale was aesthetically pleasing, every character trait that made Kobe unique was on display tonight. It was no secret he spent his career attempting to emulate Jordan and become a carbon copy, in some ways he might of surpassed him but the fact he’ll go

First off, it is Jeff Novitzky not (Nowitzky) if you’re going to attempt to “scold” someone at least have the correct spelling of the name you’ve based your premise around. The fact the UFC has brought in Novitzky doesn’t put a statute of limitations on previous violations or give fighters affected by lack of ethics