The Gob Hoblin

Which should never be confused with a Minder.

For me it’s The Kids in the Hall. No other show helped me embrace my queerness in all its absurd glory.

Can't wait for the move about this whole sordid affair. The Story of The Story of The Story of The Insurrection.

A better description of Elon and his cult of personality I have yet to see.

Yes, we have Nosferatu! We have Nosferatu today!

The Gobbledy Gooker is real! We all saw it!

If anyone has any questions about who wears short shorts, yo!

Black D9am8.

Delicious in Dungeon is the first anime I’ve loved since the early 2000s. It just hits so many sweet spots, and I adore the little things it does to make a career as a dungeon delving adventurer seem plausible.

This is both true and factual.

Yo! Ya-yo ya-yo!

The Henson Company are good sports. They hooked local developers up with a demolition guy who’s fast and affordable.

I’m just thankful the Jim Henson Creature Shop was able to do so much with Jack’s remains for Batman.

It’s at times like this I remember what my grandmother said to me and my wife at our wedding. “The Academy Awards don’t exist to award achievement in film making. It exists to make the industry that has a stranglehold on film making look legitimate and important.”

But, but the Method!

Hell, the car got its own show!

That’s how it works.

I though I felt some negative waves.