
You’re not alone, and that’s one of the biggest problems the South faces. There ARE atypical southerners—especially in the Millenial generation—that liberal people from the rest of the country really need to start supporting, rather than shitting on. If you (not you, the general you) want the South to change, you’re

G&G is the best, and everybody should have a subscription. I don’t have anything else to contribute.

Starring YOU for the screen name.

I also find it fascinating that the South can be fetishized so thoroughly, even as the South is villainized for being the root of all American problems (racism, intolerance more generally, etc.)

That magazine is supremely underrated and so beautiful.

That sounds amazing. My mom got me a subscription to Southern Living when I loved north of the Mason-Dixon. It is so bland and whitewashed BUT it did help me perfect my biscuit game, and it gave me a recipe (that I plan to try soon) of grits waffles. You put fucking grits in a waffle iron!!!

Through is the key word here....


It helps to remember everything is monster expensive in LA. $40 is like, 2 sandwiches.

Have you tried getting gel manis? My nails were pretty weak and prone to breaking, but the gel manis make them much stronger. Plus, there's less damage than a full set of acrylics. I don't know if it's just me, but the gel polish has worked wonders.

I live in Los Angeles, have long ass nails 80% of the time, and can train you on the ways of typing and texting. I SHALL BE YOUR MANICURE YODA.

Is there a tree or a person over the age of 30 in the background?

Literally every single person was from a Ren Faire. This wasn't even hard.

Auuugh, the continue button is not working for me so I can't show off -how big of a nerd I am- my ability to discern ren-faire dork from music-fest doofus. But really, it's all about the background and a distinct costume.

Is that Bug? That movie was unsettling.

It’s from the movie Bug. Great film if you’re interested in creeping yourself out and/or learning about delusional parasitosis or folie a deux. Or maybe none of it was delusional! (sinister music)

That movie was simultaneously incredibly good and incredibly uncomfortable. One of those that you love watching and then never want to see again.

What movie is this from?

That one falls under the category of Fantastic Movies that I Never Want to See Again.