(Who would buy a diamond-encrusted cross anyway?)
(Who would buy a diamond-encrusted cross anyway?)
anyone else click thinking it was going to be a gallery of all Laura Dern's Globes looks ever?
Good to see Helena Bonham Carter moving on from the divorce
I can kinda relate. You know that guy who was in The Conjuring and played the psychic-lady's husband? Patrick Wilson? Anytime he's on screen I just get a bit giddy. That's how I knew I had grown up. He looks like good dad material and apparently that's what does it for me now.
Fucking Tommy Lee Jones. His face looks exactly how mine did looking at the rest of these pictures.
I have to say, it's shitty that the Oregon players are receiving more punishment than the rapist in this situation.
Ira is all knowing.
I saw a trailer for it finally. It doesn't look that great. At least the singing will be good.
Oh man, I'm so ready. I'm so ready to illegally download this...um, I mean wait until it's released in the U.S. on Netflix, Tuesday night.
A warning, you will not be able to watch all six hours in one sitting. The most my bf and I could do at once was two in a row. They're all excellent, but disturbing.
Wes is totes getting an A in her class. That reveal of her sitting behind the desk scared the shite out of me.
I feel like just being 88 means you shouldn't have to kneel before the pope.
This is not to say that a non-American cannot or should not weigh in on issues in this country, but you certainly shouldn't.
And Michaganders bitch and moan when it's above 80. Suck it up and enjoy the heat and humidity!
As someone that grew up in Northern Michigan but now lives in New Orleans, I'd like to state for the record that although our temperatures are only going to get down in the 20s because of this polar vortex, people here will still act and bitch like they were -40 degrees.