Like that is the most horrific thing ever...
Like that is the most horrific thing ever...
Everybody is happy in New Orleans boo!
Oh dear god no....that is horrific....
Thank you! No one else matters!
Fuck this. Gabriel Byrne as Professor Bhaer 4 lyfe yo!
Well I mean it was more that he was an emotionally abusive asshole and after eight years I had enough. Living together just exacerbated it. My current and i have lived together for a year and all is well. We have pretty opposite schedules though....
I had one of those it was amazing. Then when we moved in together we promptly broke up.
At my last firm we has a $2,500.00 coffee maker that I guarantee hasn't been touched since I left bc I was the only one who knew how to work it and service it. I think that is why one of my bosses teared up when I left. He knew his beautiful lattes would henceforth be shit.
I feel like they could never get the contract for Charlie to do it...something liability...
That is the ONLY was I would watch it.
I almost wonder if the publicists are instructing them to just look soooo keep with the vibe of everything. I mean laughing and paling around doesn't really fit with the whole theme.
This chick sounds like the worst!!! Also the condescending tone talking to the straight ladies about how to be in the club. Fuck that noise. One of my best friends dances. I have lived with another. I have been to the club many many times (as one does in New Orleans). Both of the ladies I have lived with would have…
Right I had a lot of people reset too or trade in for applied value. Much better options. I am not weird about estate or pre-owned jewelry but I would want NOTHING that my partner had previously about for someone else. TBH I never buy "fine" jewelry anymore.
I worked in the biz for 8 would be amazed at the number of people that do this. My mom found out my now ex stepfather did the same thing to her after about 20 years.
I came here to say the EXACT same thing. Ew.
Well to be uncool and add another white guy to the list I am devastated Ralph Fiennes did not get a nomination.
Also it doesn't matter if its raining or not every day in NOLA is humid as fuck that makes a difference. I am a New Orleanian that has lived in Colorado and Utah and Arizona and I will tell you this the humidity makes a damn difference and it doesn't leave. I would take 15 snowing in Denver or Salt Lake over 35 and…
He can't even do Blue Steel right...
Jesus if y'all could see in person how Bama and Ohio State were acting this week. The amount of puke in front of my house was incredible. Worse than fucking Mardi Gras. I'm am going with can't handle my substances. Nothing worse than a night game in NOLA bc people party all day and show up to the dome in a state.