
"...he and his cousin drank Southern Comfort and took drugs including marijuana and crack..."

I just don't think someone who's wife filed for divorce while she was pregnant with their third child because he was supposedly cheating with Natalie Morales (and others) has any room to act superior regarding parenting or family values.

I went to one of these school for a semester which has now had the President removed in the last year (for many many many other corruption issues) and is on academic probation for like the 5th time . Some how I am not surprised to see it on here.

Totally a coat. I have a red one from there that cost as much. OK it was supposed to but yay coupons.

I fucking love butter and coffee like a clown loves murdering people...this though is disgusting. And yes I have tried it.

That "baby" looks like Vladimir Putin.

Yeah and I mean they did a similar story last month about a lady in central america who did this and the comments were bombarded by Mickey Easterling pics. The Gawker family clearly has not learned we down in NOLA have this on lock.

It's not even that it took away from other winners that could have been featured that are incredibly important (thought its not entertaining to the masses and especially not to those with not interest in design) its not helping Broadways cause. This was complete shit as was most of what Hugh Jackman did this year. I

I looooove Puddles!!!!!! (as a general rule no other clowns...ever)

At least there are future options. Thank god...

Ha! Didn't even see your post. Clearly this picture wins.

That's cute...but New Orleans still wins. Cigarette and champagne in hand...and a pin that says "Bitch." Next.