What has really helped me, truly, has been the fact that I no longer have cable/ broadcast TV, only Hulu and Netflix. I will see articles posted and can actively choose to read them, but I don’t ever have that problem where I try to turn on a sitcom and accidentally get a horrible breaking news story. Does it REALLY…
After putting up with an emotionally abusive relationship for 8 years my bullshit tolerance is surprisingly low :-)
I am 33 and I asked my mom about this. She is 63 and she STILL says that some of it is a performance. Like there will be times when she looks at herself in the mirror and thinks “when did I get so old.” We THINK of our parents having their shit together because they had a house, had kids younger etc, but they were…
How old are you? You obviously haven’t ever had an adult relationship in your life and you clearly don’t have the slightest idea how divorce or separation even works. Do I think it is smart to bring somebody into this mess? Do you honestly think the mess would be better after we sign a piece of paper? My boyfriend’s…
So we are living in separate homes, living separate lives, but for upwards of 2.5 years I'm supposed to remain celibate? Fuck you, pal.
We have been legally separated for over 2 years. You are saying people aren't supposed to move on? I just think getting married so early is insane, but no dating at all?
Yikes! I’m sorry :-( Long distance hugs from a stranger. My life would be 100% easier if I never had to see my ex again but we have joint custody of our kid so yeah that’s like 13 more years of seeing him until she’s an adult whomp whomp. Now I get to pick her up from the house I used to live in/own where he is now…
My idiot soon to be ex husband is already engaged to his girlfriend (of less than a year) before our divorce is even final. I don’t fucking get it. I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for about 9 months (he is also divorced, and had kids close in age to my own daughter) and we have already talked about the…
I had to read that fucking 3 times before I realized they were not talking about the prime minister of Canada. I need more coffee
Dr. Aphra and the crazy droids are the best parts of the Darth Vader comic. You really have Gillen to thank for that. I am reading the Vader Down crossover event, but Gillen’s Vader is actually the only Star Wars comic I have read because I like his writing so much.
I am a divorced mom of an almost 5 year old. My family lives about 4 hours away. I have joint custody which is the only way I have been able to actually function as far as cleaning/ doing laundry etc since I work full time. One of the challenges for me, and the greatest cause of stress, is the fact that I grew up in a…
Took my daughter to the pumpkin patch yesterday and it was really depressing. This is a patch we have been to before. The problem had nothing to do with the owners (very nice people) but the drought in California. The pumpkin selection was really bad and the two pumpkins (medium sized) we did decide to get were…
I also think some of these gross pervy Asian fetishists, in addition to the “submissive” stereotype are also demonstrating CLEARLY pedophile behavior - latching onto the “smallness” of some Asian women, that some appear younger than they are. EW EW EW all around.
If you read the comic you will learn the solution to this predicament is to lead Galactus to a planet covered in nut trees and he decides to eat nuts instead
He and Erica Henderson are doing Jughead together too. From what he said, it sounded like everybody wanted it they just need to work out scheduling
Go try Howard the Duck too. Chip Zdarsky is killing it. Also, from what he told me at Comic Con, there may be a Howard/ Squirrel Girl crossover coming soon.
I never really thought of myself as an emetophobe, but just reading this is making me throw up in my mouth.