
My question is, why are these scientists wasting our precious HELIUM!! My local "Party City" can't even fill balloons this week, no joking. We need this helium for important things, not silly sounding monkeys, dammit!! (only being semi-sarcastic)

Put on your sunday clothes...

This season on "Barking Bad" (too far?...)

At first I read that as "Heisenberg." I'm the one who woofs.

When I was young; nestled in the warm, fetid cavity of a soon-to-be-dead young man (Or was it a woman? Time and age play tricks on us at times and the meat-sack flesh all looks about the same), I dreamed. No one ever asks us what we dream, of our hopes and aspirations beyond our immediate base desires to consume and

See we didn't have the same experience I guess. I didn't watch today but I watched the team final and I was easily able to switch between different cameras (floor/ beam) and see the different coverage. Was it noticeably different specifically today?

I know, its depressing, right? Here's my only hope if they do something on ABC: they make it a crazy sitcom like Modern Family

HAH. I was just thinking after I read all 80+ pages of memos from fury that it would be super cool if they made a sitcom about working at S.H.I.E.L.D with some low level superior in some Michael Scott style roll.

I think this is the best bet of all. USA knows how to respect goofy high concept dramas, and without the pressure of network ratings, they allow shows like Burn Notice, Psych, and White Collar grow and develop as they like. Do I want Sam Axe/ Bruce Campbell to show up at S.H.I.E.L.D in a whacky crossover episode?

Exactly. It is like trying to remake Space Camp or Flight of the Navigator or Batteries Not Included. Do we have better CG now? Yeah, sure, but what is the point of adding CG? What made those movies "great" (and I put that term in quotes because the 8 year old me often disagrees with the 30 year old me) was that

Re: Magneto. THANK YOU. This was my comment the other day after watching the movie again. Why did he decide to spangle out his new helmet and when did he have time to do it? Oh and the cape too. Don't forget his fabulous cape.

Imagines Tom Hardy in this outfit... I'll be in my bunk

Wait a minute... so I'm supposed to be optimistic about a remake of a beloved 80s movie directed by a guy who made some of the worst children's films of the past 10 years? And Ryan Reynolds in Highlander?!! Say it ain't so. Carrie is the one I have the most hopes for. A Logan's Run remake might also be really

I was at Comic Con 2010 at the Joss Whedon panel when Nathan Fillion showed up and Joss "announced" him as Ant Man. I got all excited, only to find out later that it was just a joke (I can assure you at the time, nobody in the crowd thought he was joking and he made no indication that it was a joke at the time, which

I've got this one...

Ruined "The Dark Knight?" That movie has been out forever. The "sacrifice" they are referring to is how Batman took the fall for Harvey Dent, taking the blame for his death and becoming a villain in the eyes of the people of Gotham. Really, if you haven't seen "The Dark Knight" then why are you reading this post at

Re: the Gloopy soap. The Hub airs the Aquabats show (featuring wacky crime fighter/ ska band from the 90s that I loved the shit out of when I was in high school) and Gloopy is the brand of soap on the show. Its kind of like "Pizza Planet" in the Pixar movies, etc.

Are you in the United States?

yeah, here's the thing about LA, or SoCal in general. Everybody has a car and the public transit is shit. We don't have the kind of high density urban areas that the East Coast has. We are a sprawl of suburbs and towns that connect via highways. The drive from LA to Las Vegas is like 4.5 hours. You could have

I'm kind of confused, and maybe you can explain this for me. If you own a car, the drive from SD to SF is not that long (8 hours). I used to drive from San Jose to San Diego about once every few months when I lived up there to visit the family. If you don't feel like going that far, you can just drive the PCH/ 101