Oh my friend.. you are in for some Grade A hilarity
Oh my friend.. you are in for some Grade A hilarity
I gotta go with MiB3, sorry. Will Smith's cache is NOT what it used to be and the audience for this movie (12 year olds) haven't seen the original Men in Black films. You don't hear a bunch of kids saying "oooh I'm so excited about Men in Black" and adults I've spoken to by and large thing a third movie is…
After "Shame" I have to wonder if this android is, to quote Data, "fully functional" ;-)
If you want to see this movie you TOTALLY need to listen to this Nerdist podcast with Rob Paulsen and Maurice LaMarche. I laughed so hard, I literally almost got into an accident while driving. So brilliant hearing them talk about their craft (bonus points: you get to hear Brain call Pinky a fucking idiot and hear…
hahah. Brilliant. What a smug a-hole
Oh but Pete Campbell is SUCH a natural progression from Connor. Like you already hate him with the Angel background because he's such a smarmy douche and then as you continue watching the show and realize he IS a smarmy douche! He gets even more douchy this season. You should probably watch at least the first…
Babe 3: This time it's like a duck or something
Reek rhymes with... peep?
Eee eeeee eeeeeee eeee eeeee! (That would have been hilarious if you were a dolphin)
Yeah all my recurring dreams are pretty fangirlish. A common one for a while was me as Eowyn. Lately I have a recurring dream where I am a mutant trying to live a normal life and then some Brotherhood of Mutants types come into my library and I have to save the day. Oddly enough my biggest concern is always for the…
I agree with this assessment. I can understand that the "main" part of the story takes place elsewhere and that a Dothraki POV character might be unnecessary, but it certainly would have helped me understand their culture more. I do think it is unfortunate that Dany is basically filling the trope role of white…
I feel that the problem in your argument as you stated it, though, is that you define "geek" by your own limited parameters (i.e. sharing your specific passions with regard to computers). I do know several "computer geek" girls of my personal acquaintance, however I will admit that there is a distinct shortage of…
Yeah ya know what, I'm pretty sure that this is a #correction. While there might be SOME random ass versions with her married to Odin, pretty sure she just got Frigg and Freya confused in the article.
I'm sorry, I didn't know I had to like playing RPGs to be a geek! Silly me. I thought that my love of comics, scifi and fantasy books/ movies, ability to quote entire movies by heart, and career as a librarian qualified me. Oops. Guess I have to turn in my geek card. Jesus, all because a girl doesn't want to play…
That awkward moment when you catch a naked monkey sunbathing