
Why make a big deal about Hunger Games? Why are people on the internet talking so much about it? Bottom line: It is a story written by a woman about a strong young woman who, yes, thinks about boys, but is also capable of handling herself and is the hero of the story. After being marginalized (see: JK Rowling's

The Lorax was based on a children's book that everyone has at least moderately passing familiarity with and is marketed to children. I don't know why the Lorax's success should surprise anybody. Other movies I won't be surprised when they succeed:

I am a children's librarian at the small public library. As of today, there are 30 holds for The Hunger Games. The movies will certainly make this book series even more popular than it already is. One of the main reasons: boys actually like reading them and don't feel embarrassed when they do. After Breaking Dawn

The only reason why this penguin cam works is that the penguin enclosure at the San Diego zoo is so ridiculously small and penguins don't really move all that much. Pretty much every other zoo cam is similarly hit and miss due to the nature of the animals mobility and sleep habits. Otters, ya know, swim. The panda

Really, people, is it so hard to google "sea otter cam"

Nobody narrates horrific demises like Werner Herzog.

Call me crazy, but is anybody else getting a young Nana Visitor vibe from Ariel?

Yeah but W. Morgan Sheppard also gave birth to Mark Sheppard and if you lump their collective CVs together...

William Morgan Sheppard:

It'll never happen. Like John Edwards, somebody will find a sex tape...

Brilliant. LOVE

I would really love to see a movie that ends in horrible disaster/ catastrophe and that isn't marketed as a "disaster film." Basically if we didn't know what 2012 meant (terrible movie but just as an example). I just wonder if in this age of super spoilery trailers a film can be made without giving away such a major

I thought the visuals in this book were absolutely gorgeous. I really could picture myself wandering wide-eyed through the tents. In many ways, the description of the circus reminded me of the Floating Market in Neverwhere in its richly imagined details. The tragic nature of magic was heartbreakingly beautiful.

Rule #1 The Doctor Lies

So you are trying to tell my that my toddler has been trying to murder me for the past year. Yeah, that sounds about right.

As a Children's Librarian I am SOO glad that I purchased replacement copies (with original illustrations) a few years ago. Ideally those will last us a while so I don't have to buy these EVER. The problem is, the Scary Stories books have been on ALA's most challenged book list for about 15 years now, primarily due

Uh oh... casting has already begun

No Capes

I understand your complaints about the soundtrack (not for everyone). But the film was originally released with hand coloring (there was a black and white version as well, but the colored one was rediscovered in the early 2000s). This was a technique often used with older films where editors (many of them women,

I really want to see that movie where he gets his daughter back after she's kidnapped by wolves. That's the plot of the movie, right?