
It would be amazing to see the narrative elevated by an “and” rather than a “but”. This one particular woman has shared her own journey of non-conforming body hair growth - and let’s talk about how POC have struggled with this on an oppressive scale, and lets talk about and highlight the incredible activists who have

Why not?

I’d think kidnapping, rape, and threat of murder would be considered “beyond beyond” for anybody.

“mountains out of molehills”

I don’t even know where to start with this. While it may be butterflies and rainbows for some, for the vast majority of women pregnancy is a physical, psychological, spiritual and emotional SHITSHOW. Morning sickness is usually chronic, all day nausea - sometimes to the point of needing to be hospitalized. My first

One of my sisters is white (not all of us siblings are) and experiences the epitome of white privilege (not all of us siblings do). And yet when she went through postpartum depression and attempted to kill herself and her baby from a psychotic episodic attempt to protect him from the horrors of the world, I can assure

I totally get how it’s too risky to hire pretty women. I, too, would rather NOT hire a pretty woman because of the risk of myself or someone else sexually assaulting her. I’ve read studies about how only women who are attractive by societal standards get assaulted or harrassed, so my logic is sound.

I am so curious why you are championing this line of thinking. I wonder if to truly believe some blame for this unconscionable crime resides in the employee/employer relationship. Or maybe you are just too far in to admit you could be mistaken. Or maybe you like being incendiary.

I came here to try to wrap my mind around the emotional vomit I feel when I see/hear women reacting to institutional oppressions in this way, but then everyone was being hilarious and witty so I’ll just sit back, eat my soft doritos and laugh silently to myself.

I don’t disagree with your sentiment, but your argument would be more impactful without insults. What I would urge people to consider, again, is educating those on how to use their privilege to good use. That is my stance: don’t exclude groups if they are failing to be an ally. Include them and educate them on how to

All white women are like this?

Have you ever wronged or hurt anyone? Ever verbalized you felt bad about something?

It is a lot of pressure to be perfect. I would die and go to heaven in a world that cultivated more education and less destruction of each other, when asking more of and from each other. Why do we feel so compelled to lambast each other for failing when we try? Are we above encouraging to try again, and with