
I feel like the term “ally” has been ruined by fake allies, but basically, if a white person were willing to risk their safety or life to stand up for injustice, like the Germans who housed and helped Jews during the Holocaust, I’d say whatever that’s called would be the highest level.

As a 51 year old white woman, I have learned a great deal from the smart and insightful writing of this publication. Understanding your perspective, your pain has been incredibly moving and invaluable to me. I can see now that I had done many racist and offensive things in the past without even realizing it. For

Mostly a lurker here because I am white and know when the conversation is not about me, but I gotta tell you that I love your writing. You cut through bullshit, speak real truth, and make shit funny that has no right to be.

Moved up one for weed consumption, moved down two for conspicuous mention of a relationship with a black person in an attempt to increase your score.

Nope, Rothschilds.

I can’t be Woke AF because I still believe breakfast isn’t breakfast unless a pig dies.

one of the most objectively stunning women on Earth

i, too, hate it when i accidentally do a public racism.

I just wanted to butt in and say I love it when people have rational conversations in the comments. It’s so rare that a misunderstanding ends with “oh, I get it now. thanks.” and “you’re welcome.”

Thank you both for this happy ending. I feel it’s a rarity on the internet these days.

I read The Root to understand what I can’t experience. I rarely comment and accept that my opinion is irrelevant. I felt the urge to comment on this one because SheeshTheseNames was being particularly isolationist. Joker and Thief comments that men of all races struggle with treating women correctly. The response is

I mean go fuck yourself

I DON’T NEED WHITE WOMEN TO TELL ME THAT I SHOULD BE TREATED AS YOUR EQUAL, IDIOT. YOU are the one obsessed with white people. I don’t have to bring them up to discuss the issues within our community. You know that wanting equality at home and at work, safety, and respect are not white things? You clearly don’t

I am sorry for what has happened to you. All black men did not do that to you. White women want to convince you otherwise with nonsense, stop falling for it

It’s not a conspiracy. It’s a system of patriarchy.

What is that rule? The one that says that any comment section in an article on feminism is proof that feminism is still needed?

It reminds me of the time I tell white people in comments here that whatever article was not an attack; it’s a call to do better. But if you believe someone telling you to do better is an attack, then I don’t know what to do with you.

You know what they say, there but for the greys of God go I.

I swear to all things holy, if you start with that #notallmen horseshit, without actually listening and heeded what the brother is saying, I hope ED finds you right at the end of you hashtagging.

Because most of the things he described are things that men of all races do to women.