
It’s dopey but went to Home Depot and bought a space heater that looks like a wood stove and has little faux flames. It is so cheesy, but I love it.

What did she expect? That he would dote on her just like she doted on him? A guy with 3 failed marriages who obviously thinks wives are disposable and expects to be catered to like he’s royalty? She also said some fucked up shit about how the husband is the head of the household and as wife it’s her role to take care

I wonder where Shelly Miscavige was while they were busy outdoing each other.

.....And then I asked why, at the most difficult time in my life, there was only one set of footprints in the sand and Xenu said “Because I was counting my gold back scratchers, byatch!”

A few months ago, there was a really strong and strange (to me) critique of the movie Hot Girls Wanted for shining a light on an aspect of the porn industry that is very woman un-friendly. The article read to me like it was accusing the documentary producers of taking a hardline, anti-porn stand, which I don’t think

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? How can that even be a legal requirement? Fuck these old white men so fucking hard with a rusty chain saw. I hope they all come back as women in Saudi Arabia. Lower class women.

This is going to piss off so many people. Oh God! It’s beautiful.

Yes! I sent this tip. As someone who knows Stacey Newman personally, I can attest that she is one of the most kick-ass women I have ever met. She is always fighting the good fight for women in Missouri, and is someone we can all be proud of. Plus, she’s super nice, smart, and funny.

Poor Yolanda. Just remember, when life gives you lemons, make everyone you know go on the Master Cleanse.

I gotta say, for what Coldplay is? They are pretty great. Fix You is an undeniably great song. And the rest? Chill car-ride with your parents music? It’s good.

Soooo, I get the ridicule and everything, but somehow I don’t find the term “conscious uncoupling” so bad. Am I a bad person? Did I do sth wrong in my life? Because I actually believe it’s a pretty accurate term for what many people are trying to do during a breakup in this day and age. Meh, maybe I’m just crazy...

Oh thanks! It was like 4 years ago. I'm just whining. Because I want money.

I don’t. It’s an exorbitant amount. He should get something a bit more proportionate to the suffering he has experienced.

The only problem is they will shut down every academic program (except for the football team and cheerleading squad) to pay for this, and then blame that uppity terrorist Jesus-hating kid from Obamastan.

Fully agree with the validity of the claims and that the kid deserves a solid payout.

I mean, I get why... But come on.

Why would you think that? I got a lot of the same concern when I shaved my head, and I didn’t understand where it was coming from. Is this a thing? When women cut off their hair they go insane, or vice versa?

Untouchable Face- Ani D

But it is only a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of people who are doing this. There are hundreds of thousands of new Muslim refugees moving across Europe who just want to live in peace. And these terrorist assholes have to make life hell for everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim.

If a salesperson were to email me with those kinds of grammatical mistakes, I wouldn’t give them a second thought. People let this person be in charge of childcare?