
I remember reading about that in the Trib, all I have to say is THANK YOU. I mean that.

This kid always has this face. Why? Is this a lifetime performance art thing?

Whoa, excuse me? I was just answering your question, for goodness sake!

It mostly started as a backlash to the New Deal but was largely relegated to the extreme fringe, then Goldwater and Nixon birthed and implemented the Southern Strategy, aiming to take advantage of white resentment of the Civil Rights movement. Regan put a smiling face to reactionary conservatism and even convinced

That’s my gut feeling too but it seems like it gets amped up more each day. They could control both houses, the presidency, have 9 Clarence Thomases, ban abortion...hell just imagine if they had their way on everything - they’d still be crying about liberals.

During the rise of right wing talk radio after Clinton got elected.

Would you say Randy Quaid and his wife have it? Not being snarky. I’ve seen their paranoid rants over the years and I truly wonder.

I’m pretty sure he was elected by straight-ticket voters who didn’t even look at the ballot. I mean, the Democrat running against him was named Sam Houston. You’d think if they’d actually read it his name alone might just trick a bunch of the Texas Repubs into voting for him. I mean, how can any self-respecting Texan

Yes, he is a turd. But he looks like he suffers from some trigeminal nerve damage? I have trigeminal neuralgia, and I have the most crooked smile ever and uneven eyes to boot. When I saw this, I immediately thought of how I look in some pictures. I hope to never be famous (or infamous) enough to have my mugshot

It’s just too damn bad that Texas doesn’t require its Attorney General to be an actual lawyer.

Huh, the R’s are reaching desperately on this one. Everyone involved in the investigation is a Repub, and the Texas Rangers are the ones who actually figured out the securities fraud thing. I’m sure they are a bunch of liberals! I am one of a large group of lawyers who have filed a grievance against him with the State

Resting Douche Face.

Since being overwhelmingly elected by the voters of Texas...

Unfair, unbalanced power-dynamic will probably be the answer everyone and their sophistry will give you.

You’re saying that an 80 year old man with diabetes and all that implies mentally, should have been a better steward of care to his wife with mental issues?

I can’t knock horny people. God speed top/bottom heads and all your talking.

I didn’t realize before this very moment how happy I am not to have a disembodied head in my undergarments that screams “Procreate!” at me. That must be embarrassing. And uncomfortable.

Not that I’m making light of Jada and Will’s proclamations of the sexiest sex with sex parts in sexy places at all the sexy times in all the sexy ways, but I was starting to read those statements in my Borat inner monologue?!

I’m gonna be so sad if they really divorce because I feel like they are one of the most realistic couples, as far as Hollywood standards go. They admit they find others attractive, but that they don’t have to act on it; they’re honest about their sexuality and don’t pretend that kids and marriage = no. sex. ever, but