
It's not a big deal at all.

The Catholic Church has never opposed the Theory of Evolution, and it was a Catholic priest and physics professor who originally proposed what's now known as the Big Bang Theory.

The people who think the Catholic Church opposed Evolution or BBT simply don't know what they're talking about, or

It's not if you are/were a practicing Catholic. I went to a super creepy Opus Dei school and even those nut jobs taught evolution.

The idea that evolution and the big bang theory are sacrilegious and absolutely could not possibly be true and God doesn't want science in schools is more pervasive among certain protestant denominations than among Catholics. Especially the protestant churches most prevalent in the southern and rural parts of the


Trump Card: Annise Parker

No, Jerry Jones sucks, and Houston feels like a swamp and smells like a sewer. COME AT ME.

Seriously. What ever happened to sitting the kid down and explaining why gun games are not allowed at the school, then calling home to make sure the parent knows to reinforce the lesson?

I can't hate Ben Affleck. I bet he makes really good waffles on Saturday morning and never talks while Game of Thrones is on.

Makes the meatball sandwich sign look rookie by comparison.

I think you get 8-10 years and a scarlet A.

As horrific as this article was, that was the only thing that I could think to comment on, because what the fuck even is that and how is it different than concealing a wedlocked fetal death?

Exactly what I was thinking. What the hell kind of law is that??

It may be one of those archaic laws that never got off the books, like "No using your carriage on Sundays" or something.

I have been thinking of changing my user name to "dumbass-bleeding-heart-liberal-feminist-socialist-loving-lesbian" but it just seemed like a mouthfull.

My therapist recommended I just act like I live far, far away and visit infrequently. ;-)

I'm sitting here thinking (sarcastically): And let me guess... You have a lovely personality.

She needs a hug. From a boa constrictor.

I can hear her at Thanksgiving now.

While a mental illness (or other neurological issue) could possibly contribute to her behavior, she would have to be a mentally ill bigot. The bigot part is the only plausible cause.

Dafuq is this?