The Girl Who Waited on Tables

Yeah, this “youth” is manufactured on a troubling scale. I would be afraid of seeing what’s under all that shellack, considering the toll all that intervention must take on one’s real face.

I remember that video. And I didn’t watch this one.

You may get a lot of negative responses for your post, but I agree with you. Publishing these stories is not about the women nor does it foreground their choice to tell and who gets told what. It’s a historical tradition of colonialism, as you point out.

But the #metoo movement is about those women choosing to tell their stories. This is the western world telling other women’s stories in a way that specifically others them. As the OP mentioned, it’s a very colonialist thing to do, and post-colonial scholars call out this very thing to this day because it is

Excellent post.

That wasn’t my point at all. It’s a common behavior in many relationships, especially ones that don’t have trust and respect as their foundation. I have had my social media accounts, emails, text logs, and more snooped by exes because they had no trust or respect for me. But it wasn’t abuse, and there was nothing to

It’s a book about Andrew Jackson. I don’t his angle on Jackson, but if someone planted this for Trump, it certainly looks specific in terms of messaging.

Yeah, I don’t get this at all. So what if she spied on him? People do it all the time to their partners (check their phones, open their email, etc.) and while morally questionable to some, it’s hardly abusive. Am I missing something?

I reluctantly agree that our culture now demands some toughness that does not weaken our numbers or strength. Either way, as another poster observed, our messaging is still so far off that we are not really going to gain supporters or voters either way.

I have no idea how this works, but when you announce a private spy agency, doesn’t that negate the “private” part? Since everyone knows your friends and affiliates, where’s the secrecy?

Well, I’m feeling lucky!

this is the very logic that got trump elected. the irony.

I’ve turned over all my social media posts to my lawyer, which is, so I hope they have my real interests in mind.

Sorry, that was not my intent. I do recommend Burke though. He says it better than I can.

Jewel once sang “they think their better than you, and you agree.”

Based on my experience, you are utterly correct about that mindset. Though most of the truly poor I know would not waste money on that crap, many low income (mostly men) I know believe that buying lottery tickets is the way to solve their financial problems. They speak glowingly about anyone they know who got a huge

How to write this without sounding like a Hilter/Nazi apologist? Mein Kampf is an excellent study in how to systematically persuade millions of people to do your bidding. It’s a deeply psychological read and an important piece of historical literature. Kenneth Burke writes a really great analysis its message, and

“I’m in love with your body” is the grossest song I’ve ever heard. Shit earned.

There is man who plays a pipe, I hear...

OMG, thank you.