
Oh for the halcyon days of episodes 4.01-4.07. I appreciated your analysis of Felicity, and how quickly she loses our sympathy when she's opposing Oliver because as the audience, our sympathies always lie with Oliver (even when he's being a dope). I feel like the had barely recovered from the terrible manufactured

I never knew I wanted to see that episode, but now that I know I'll never get it I'm really pissed.

I hated almost everything about this episode except for Diggle and, surprisingly, Roy, but if Ra's rejection of Nyssa as his heir results in her moving to Starling, sign me up. Every interaction she had crackled.

That is an excellent point—the show has always given the audience a head's up on the double cross in the past, and it is not happening with Thea. Ok, I'm a lot more hopeful now!

I REALLY hope I end up being surprised as well since I like Thea. If this happened before the start of this season I would have no doubt of the sincerity of her response. But since she's been lying to Oliver this season and her about face with Malcolm felt out of nowhere, I felt like she and Malcolm were playing

Considering how Thea values the being told the truth over everything else—including in this episode—there is no doubt for me that she and Malcolm are playing Oliver. It is her one true constant. Her reaction to the basement was muted and unreal, and her fight with Malcolm was staged. Oliver is going to end up

I'm loving Felicity's interactions with Merlyn because of the murderous look she gets in her eye when they interact, to the point that i think Merlyn better watch his back because she is a real threat. I would have never in a million years thought Felicity could be a villain, but after her scenes with Merlyn I could

I was nodding to your comment above about Felicity crying —just because EBR can cry on cue doesn't mean that she should do it every episode—and doubly appreciate your comment about the bad writing, at least as it relates to the ending. I thought that they should have stolen a minute or two from elsewhere in the

It was absolutely gorgeous, but it looked so cold. I kept hoping Jamie and Claire could go inside, sit by a fire, and cuddle until they were warm. Preferably with a camera running.