
As someone who has disliked the series since the first episode, I was pleasantly surprised by the latest installment. It's still seriously flawed and littered with implausible events (the scene where Kevin visits Jill to let her know—and no one even knows about it yet—that her mom isn't the victim felt immensely

Maybe? But that's not the point here. We're saying all of the girls are being portrayed stereotypically and awful.

Yes, sad that they seem to be making the teenage girls as annoying and stereotypical as they can.

Totally agree with this entire review. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one. I cringed throughout as well; the overt symbolism was just WAY too much. It's a shame because I feel like the show has so much potential, and there are glimmers of good stuff in there (Theroux is amazing, some of the more existential themes,