The Ghost of OldTownGail

The problem is when it’s the same person.

But they ARE doing a shot-for-shot remake in most of the scenes (at least it appears that way based on the footage they’ve released). If they’re going as far as copying shots, they may as well also try to more closely match the color, or at the very least match the ‘feel’ of the color

tbh the official twitter needs to stop doing side-by-side comparisons

if i saw these scenes on their own in the show the monkey in my head would clang its cymbals together excitedly at the visual callback and i’d move on without thinking too much about it

putting the anime right next to scenes from the live action just

“Well nobody’s perfect.” - Some Like It Hot. This screwball comedy ends on an unpredictable high note.

Ernest Hemingway once wrote, “The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.” I agree with the second part.

If I had to guess, it seemed like they intended the game-within-a-game to run every week like you describe, then chickened out. Maybe they thought Silky’s winning streak would play better that way, though I found it underwhelming.

Fucking Connor.

Hey Ari, I’ve been reading Kotaku for longer than I can remember (2006, I think? Jesus...), and it’s been hard to see so many staff writers I’ve come to love and respect move up and/or on. There’s been a certain degree of anxiety on my part as new writers, such as yourself, replace them because I don’t know your

I mean... sounds like the whole game is told, structured, and balanced around being a roguelike. Calling that padding seems pretty crazy to me. It’s just what the game is. Gamers gotta let the hour number obsession go, too.

They were so delicate about calling out Utica’s utter failure of a roast! She wasn’t just “a little harsh.” Heck, she wasn’t even telling jokes! It was shitty, mean-spirited, fatphobic bullying, from someone who’d just put on a big ol’ performance out of not wanting to cause any racial offense in the makeover ep. They

Agreed; they’ve let a LOT of horrid shit slide recently when in other seasons they would have been utterly merciless.

shade rattle

Top 3! And Kandy.

i would only watch this if louie was playing mrs. baskets.

Also, the Bojack Horseman writers must be kicking themselves for not coming up with Ruth Gator Binsberg first.

Well, that’s not exactly what I was trying to argue, but I actually agree with the point.

I personally wasn’t the biggest fan of Luke being in this, but Mandalorian has been so amazing in every episode that I’m willing to go with most anything they do.

I thought we were having clams.

He uses the term “learned helplessness” to describe people who have internalized the idea that nothing they do makes a difference in their lives. How else to explain the rampant domestic violence, ignoring of birth control, a diet of Mountain Dew and cigarettes, declining honest work in favor of being on the dole?