The Ghost of OldTownGail

Those films don’t exist anymore, though, right? Wasn’t it the masters that Lucas changed?

Unrelated, but fuck that shader. Seriously. So far the only weapon I’ve gotten to drop with that shader is the curated Hammerhead, once, and I’ll be damned if I ever dismantle that thing.

Cap wielding Mjolnir would 100% be my choice for an Endgame scene. 


I was taken to Starlight Express live as a child and still haven’t forgiven the adults what brought me.

RocknRolla already exists.

I dunno, man. The last three episodes have felt Firefly as fuck. 

He is The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai Across the 8th Dimension’s Clancy Brown.

I think an important distinction is that the film is subverting themes and motivations, not the genre itself.

Seconded on Fury Road. Between initial release, IMAX re-release, and the black & chrome release, I saw that film in theaters ten times and it never got any less thrilling.

I think I would have really enjoyed the ending if it wasn’t Vince walking through Times Square at the end. If it was just the camera, allowing the audience to be the ones walking through the new New York and seeing all the ghosts of the first season juxtaposed in this new environment.

No. It’s Slim Charles.

Mad Max: Fury Road is the only one that comes to mind, for me.

The uncanny valley is made all the more uncannier in cases like these where pretty much everyone knows what actual 23-year-old Will Smith looked, sounded, and acted like.

No. I refuse to allow it.

I don’t doubt that Rick Moranis is a nice guy. By all accounts, he’s lovely.

Looks like the problem is that there’s no tags on the article itself (they’re not where they’d usually be up by the headline).

Vibranium belly.

Haven’t finished the rest of the list, but I’m so happy to see love for Bringing Out the Dead and All About My Mother. I feel like both of these unfortunately tend to get ignored when discussing their respective director’s works.

So. Many. Good. Movies.