The Ghost of OldTownGail

Hey, guys! Remember when we thought Jon being a secret Targaryen was really important and would surely impact the story in some meaningful way?

The article’s banner image... I always forget just how fucking pretty late 80s/early 90s Keanu was. No wonder he was #1 on my celeb crush list for so long.

I think an Orpheus hunter is still going to be plenty helpful. Orb generation and a return of super energy aren’t going away completely, they’re just being dialed back a bit.

The power fantasy argument has been a common one in the text group I share with my friends who also play Destiny.

She was also two seconds from offing herself and her kid, which somewhat undermines the cool composure and stoicism you saw in her. 

I think you could maybe make a good video game movie if you took the compelling characters and worlds of a video game and used them to tell a new story that maintains continuity with what the video game has already done without re-hashing exact moments from the video game. It’s not impossible, but it’s not easy to

Every now and then a movie comes along that feels like it was made just for me.

Most of my pop culture ephemera is at my house. And there is a ton of it.

I don’t differentiate between minstrelsy and Harlem jazz? Then why did I mention them both as separate influences/references?

The pirates chasing the women is the same as it’s always been - there’s always been a fat lady chasing a pirate. It’s the wench auction they got rid of. And they threw in some animatronic Johnny Depp as a distraction.

Closed in Florida, still operates in LA.

The lead crow is actually named Jim Crow. And the dances and poses in their musical number are all directly related to dances and poses with origins in minstrelsy and Harlem jazz clubs.

Getting out of Bakersfield is pretty popular.

If you’re referring to the fake Baratheons that Jaime fathered, there weren’t any of them available either. Joffrey was dead, Myrcella was off in Dorne, and Tommen offed himself when mom blew the Sept.

Welp, they’ve got my money.

I’m super excited.

Everyone is talking about Captain Marvel, but not the far more interesting fact that it’s the previously exploded Mjolnir whizzing past her head.

Fair point.

But... but Titan is the best.

On the one hand, the fact that our phones have become so technologically advanced is really astounding. We’ve come a long way, visually, since earlier all-digital experiments like Bamboozled.