
Biblical Scholars may note that, in John's Revelation, the Dragon is cast into a pit; and the Beast from the Sea and the second Beast (who instructs all to worship the first) are thrown into a lake of fire.

I took the line "I know" as a quiet admission of self-sacrifice, though he was likely hoping it would come a little later than that very moment.

Anyone else notice the slight similarity between the strings in "Love Crime" and the string chords at the final minute of "Antipasto"? If that was deliberate, kudos to them for bringing about a nice circular arc, music-wise.

If "Fargo" didn't have a Season 2 my October would probably be a lot more productive.

Probably the confusion is with "Did he who made the lamb make thee?" In 'The Tyger'. Blake may have painted "The Wrath of the Lamb", if anyone wants to look that up…

Ironic that they did better with Reichenbach than "Sherlock". Even more so that Marvel seems to want a final Sherlock v Hannibal grudge-match.

Not just that, but they were both so into it! Adorable how Will seems to run at Dolarhyde snarling and doglike.

Best Season: Don't make me choose.
Best Episodes: Aperitif, Sorbet, Su-Zakana, Tome-Wan, Mizumono, Antipasto, "The Great Red Dragon", "The Wrath of the Lamb"
Quote(s): "Peter, is your social worker in that horse?" "I am enchanted and terrified." "All sorrows can be borne, if you put them in a story."
Suit: Anything

Interesting as the notion of Bedelia cooking her own leg is, the thing is perfectly-presented and steaming, and there's no sign of crutches nor a cart. That implies that someone else has just served it up.

The threat of sexual abuse of men has always been lurking in the show…what about that disturbingly quiet Nun taking advantage of the bandaged man in the final seconds of the opening credits sequence every week?