Nah. This reality sucks. This Republican senate tipped its hand to what it thinks about it’s own constitutional responsibility years ago, and they’ve confirmed that stance every month and every week and every day that has passed since.
Nah. This reality sucks. This Republican senate tipped its hand to what it thinks about it’s own constitutional responsibility years ago, and they’ve confirmed that stance every month and every week and every day that has passed since.
The Takeout has the runaway funniest comment section Kinja wide.
Welcome, Garrett Schlichte to Kinjatown! You’re gonna love it here. (snickers)
He’s creepy. Is he creepier? Probably just more openly creepy. And in cognitive decline.
psstt...Are you okay?
This is pretty good handle comment synergy here.
This entire post seems eminently reasonable.
It will get stupider.
Oh yeah...
Imagine how shitty staff morale must be right now.
Hi, I’m Julianne’s Shadow Voice. I’m here to help!
For someone who was pitching hope and change to a hungry public, Barry sure did select a, uh...non-hopeful, non-changing relic of a VP. That was kind of like a wink and a nod to the old guard maybe?
Surprisingly informative post!