
Okay sure, why not?

Not a problem, I got to learn something about the Grateful Dead in the process of googling wharf rats and...(yawns).....zzzzzzzzz...

A typo? Gahhh...

Here is the Gettysburg White Rat’s cousin, the Gettysburg Brown Rat.

Pt. 2: Took me a minute to get back in the groove of this thread.

Boob sweat need not be just a concern of women.

Katherine, what do you think this mouse’s stance on vaping is?

Your perspective is valid as we are both reasonably bright people of a certain age who have personal anecdata and drawn conclusions from them.

I would like to try and reason with you a bit here, DeLos.

He considers himself the consummate salesman and negotiator but in actuality he can only reach consensus in binary transactional situations where he has an asymmetric power advantage i.e. hiring a contractor to do work for him, selling his name to a sub-par construction project, running a family business that doesn’t

Second time I’ve said this today, once on another thread, but hilarious comment-handle synergy here, bathsaltsbecky.

Impressive comment handle synergy here.

Now do Hunter Biden!

Now playing

He has always been a narcissist and a bullshit artist, but a cursory listen to his 1999 Meet the Press interview reveals a cognitively organized narcissistic bullshit artist.

Oh shoot...I am positive that I stole it from someone else a long time ago, so please do!

Plus you get to pick the parts that you like and disregard the rest apparently.

A lot of whistling past the graveyard up in here today.

Yep. I’ve been pushing back on this a bit here as well.

Tribalism is a hell of a drug.