
Six-stem salami bouquet just ordered for my beautiful bride. We’ve been doing low-carb together for 7 months.

My take away is now you sneeze in your new acquaintance’s elbow crook.

I got a couple of folks on FriendFace that started to send around dire warnings about Crock Pots. I shrugged it off as just wacky FriendFace shit. Now I get it. Thanks.

Yes, you’re absolutely right. Listening to Rent as an adult is a very different experience from listening to Rent as a kid. It’s rent. You have to pay it.

If you haven’t heard this, you’ll enjoy it muchly.

“I’ve never cried before, even as a baby! My parents took me to the doctor. They thought I was broken, but I was just a super chill baby!”

I’m just gonna say it: With the exception of maybe Joanne, Benny is the most reasonable character in that entire show.

The sole purpose of this post is to acknowledge and celebrate Rene Gube, who is freaking hilarious as Father Brah and apparently a brilliant writer as well. Thank you for your time.


Isn’t life the test?

It was one of those so-bad-it-was-good type performances.

Yeah. That happens with any new fad that catches on with kids. Certain adults will find a way to say it’s satanic or otherwise harmful. I remember the Dungeons & Dragons freakout when I was young and then the same sort of freakout over The Craft when I was in high school and was told it was a training movie for

Think twice about names that sound like bodily functions or private body parts.



“... if only to find new ways to keep giving them to Meryl Streep 50 years from now.”
- reminds me of The Congress, starring Robin Wright

Take these thousand stars, you hero. Take them all.

I did this about 10 years ago. Living in an apartment complex and noticed some shady goings on with the people across the courtyard. Kids in and out but never for long and the kids looked unclean and hungry. Went on for awhile and finally I needed to do something. Called the police. The place got raided. Turned out