
Y’all late af with this article. Sisters on Black Twitter were all over this on Monday tweeting out full frontal screen grabs, etc. After decades of seeing thirsty shit from men online, it was refreshing to see the ladies objectify some flesh themselves. Have at it.

Basically everything you could possibly want from a Doctor Manhattan episode and an HBO Watchmen episode. It’s brilliantly written, stunningly shot, beautifully scored, and all sorts of other meaningless adjectives.

While trying to find news on season two last night, I was reminded in several articles that this was outlined as a miniseries not a season one. Which I like because there’s the promise of a beginning, middle, and end (a promise I feel like they’re fulfilling). But I’ll be sad if there’s never any more of this, because


Funny thing, but in another comment on another post, I wrote that I am not a big fan of the concept of the slippery slope, but here I am going to argue the opposite.

and people wonder why we introverts hate everyone. you all keep inventing these stupid rules and making interacting with anyone a complete chore. if somebody thinks im rude or dismissive by typing “ok” to their text and gets offended, they deserve it and they did it to themselves. as far as im concerned they are doing


Or you can just type “Ok”.

Like an adult.

The same people that turn read receipts on and demand an acknowledgment to every e-mail they send.

It’s a short easy way to say, I read and acknowledge your text. What nut thinks would see OK or K and think “how rude”?


Fuck this passive-aggressive BS. 




Because slavery can exist as punishment so they will milk that as much as possible. 

I spent about 85% of the episode speculating that Crawford was Dreiberg, but once they established (through anecdote and song and dance) that he has a rooted past in Tulsa, I began think otherwise. The true nail in the coffin for that line of thinking was the photo the camera lingered on when he was putting on his

Totally agree. Binging ruins the whole concept of anticipation and shared weekly discussion after episodes.

"I have bitten my tongue so long, it looks like a dog's cushion. But no more! You have made it impossible to do this job. You have two settings — no decision and bad decision. I wouldn't let you run a bath without having the Coast Guard and the fire department standing by, but yet here you are running America. You are

"I wanted that to be a long-running joke."