Yeah the whole thing about Bob at the beginning was so smug and cringeworthy.
Yeah the whole thing about Bob at the beginning was so smug and cringeworthy.
So much this. “I, savoring my brown ales and smoked pork butt while stroking my Schillerstövare, am so superior to the benighted pleb who eats regular food and enjoys driving a Corvette after a lifetime of hard work.”
“I have a G.E.D., 18 karat gold teeth, and visible tattoos everywhere.”
I made it almost halfway through. I feel like I deserve a prize.
I strongly encourage you to consider launching yourself into the sun. Bob can never be a Jalop
Teams are probably banking on him walking away at the end of his contract. But they should know better than assuming he’ll be able to walk.
I have friends who support Trump.
I have friends who support Hillary.
I have friends who support Sanders.
The best advice I got as an engineering intern was “for the first three years, go to every happy hour / holiday party / lunch / kickball game.” It will make a huge difference come the inevitable layoff purges or when you’re looking for the next gig and SURPRISE! one of your former co-workers happens to be there too.
My most outlandish automotive fantasy involves finding an undiscovered loophole in the 25-year import law that lets me bring in anything I want, along with a government grant program that funds my purchases so long as I’m willing to prattle on endlessly to strangers who ask me what kind of car I have.
It’s a race car. If masonry brick was proven to be the perfect aerodynamic shape, they’d make them look like masonry bricks.
They’re going to do every single thing they can to extract as much performance per square cm, looks be damned. Makes sense to me. You don’t ask the fastest female runner in the world to get a…
Now, tell me again—was it this man with an 8-figure net worth who hit you, or his broke-on-paper friend?
I wouldn’t even call west chicago a suburb of chicago. It’s damn near 40 miles west of the western most edge of chicago. Hell it’s closer to dekalb than it is to chicago
Uhhh west chicago and chicago are two completely different cities. Also that dealer is known for wildly inflated prices. I’d stay away
A regular 911 Carrara coupe of this age goes for $16,000 to $20,000.
A Suburban worth buying for under $10k? Good luck with that now. I got away with it back in 2007 when I bought a fully loaded ‘99 with 108k on it for under $10k. But a comparable Suburban now? No chance. You’re looking at a 9-10 year old model with 200k miles on it.