The Gammelier

I disliked Okami the first time around. Earlier this week, I mentioned how much I disliked Issun. He never shuts up, with rarely anything meaningful to say.

Sorry, one more: MONSTER HUNTER! Armor literally carved from the hides of your enemies, wearable souvenirs of glorious battle!

I’ve always loved this about certain games, too.

Hitman, for some oddly relaxing assassination. Probably some more Fallout 4 on survival while I’m at it.

There’s a good interview on Rock Paper Shotgun with the writer a while back, who said he specifically wrote FC3 about the White Savior trope and how ridiculous it is. Granted, the interviewer confronted him by saying he didn’t succeed but I admire that the writer at least tried.

Loved Far Cry 3. Everything about it, warts and all.

I had bad memories of this game too, until I replayed it a year ago. Long separated from the shadow of Ocarina, it stands on its own two feet as a great, great member of the Zelda family.