
Kang is a fucking joke. How many people watched Loki??? 1% of the MSheU fans??? It’s good to see The Root is the biggest advocate for MSheU nowadays. How much money will this movie lose??????

So how many of her movies this year have actually made a profit????

Black people are pathetic

if you make a crazy statement like NYC being the most crowded city on Earth, why should I believe anything else in the article?

blacks are ultra violent, so theres a great chance that dude was being utterly violent

Charlottesville?????????????????? i didnt say anything about Jan 6. This terrible article specifically says they organized the Charlottesville event.

the Proud Boys did not organize the Charlottesville you lied about that in this article...what else is a lie??????

Well they are the most violent, so it should affect them disproportionally 

Sorority.......lets pretend youre a “journalist” for like a second

wtf is a jerkass????? this writer should be fired just for writing that one word alone

Hahahaha can't wait to watch them in college, gonna be hilarious