
I feel horrible, but that made me giggle > . <

I am still convinced people in power see pregnant women as incubating zombies. They have no say, no input, and no will to control themselves from aborting willy nilly.

That’s still better then doing nothing, thank you for trying at least! Sometimes you can’t win, but at least you tried.

Same here, went from upset by this news to, “oh, so it’s not facebook refusing but people have reposted this drek”

Pretty sure Marcus would have a solution for that, but it probably won’t end well...

Yes, I feel that Clinton may have her own faults, alongside the democratic party in the many shortcomings that have resulted in the election of Darth Cheeto. However, Clinton, much like Pence *shudder*, has the self control to not act like a child at the drop of a hat. They both possess the necessary faculties and

Well I’m gonna start googling pictures of kittens with yarn to counter this depressing news.

This is just...gah


You are my hero.

As someone whose been egged by pro lifers and called every name you can imagine. I hope so too! ...but I doubt it.

I’ve stopped questioning that. I just try to be optimistic and kind. Although the day I snap. I’m going to make one heck of a big bad!

This sound really helpful. Spring summer fall, I can manage my depression without a problem. Winter just saps the life out of me, so I think I’m gonna give this a shot1

I’m Japanese/Caucasian and I had a friend refer to her waitress as “eggroll”

The center I work at bought a button maker and we just make them ourselves. We’ve been distributing for donations, I’m amazed at how many people have bought them just in solidarity.

That’s what I’ve been sadly realizing as well. Really kills your faith in humanity. (This is from someone who gets egged or cursed at at least half the days going into work. I was optimistic till the Trumpening. Now I’m admittedly kinda defeated...)

I still feel any network that would air her comments would have some guy pop up with a voiceover, “Yea I can’t believe we aired that either.”

and the relationship leading to said babies was very dysfunctional...fifty shades of grey fanfiction right there...

out of curiosity/I’m not very bright. I youtubed it.

Reading these left me sad and cold...