makes sense to me!
It really depends on the situation, location, and school. Some Principles or higher ups will do everything possible to get kids like that out of the school and onto someone else because they believe they’ll be headaches. I’m not part of that system, I work youth center for “troubled” kids. That part was sarcastic,…
Yep, and if the teacher tries to step up and defend the kid. All sorts of misery will rain down on her.
Canuckistan here, can verify the funding blows. Even our therapy hours have been slashed to a fifth, we’ve just been doing visits on our own time to help out. Of course the rest of the staff won’t waste their fuel, so 1 therapist for adults and one for youth. I will need my own headshrinking soon.
yea, I’m hooked lined and sinkered too
I’ve picked up a rep locally for geeky tattoos. Most shops in the area are biker or traditional. I used to be a comic artist so the style works for me. Plus admittedly some of the old guard aren’t a fan of tattooing geeky stuff due to either snobbery or just unfamiliar so they prefer to send my way.
oh my swirls!
Lithium and Adapin here. I’m pretty sure they’d have to peel me off the damn wall if I went off dose.
Yea, he spent the next few hours telling me about his favorite games of the series. Sounded neat, and great conversation with a client. It’s awkward as heck if they don’t talk, so any conversation is a good conversation.
How cute. A troll, sorry dude. Not interested.
I ended up doing four of those tattoos before I finally asked one guy if they all served in the same company.
I wish you luck good sir. This one seems thick
Hey, I worked on a client that is a leatherworker in a day job. He brought me in a manta ray leather vest as thanks for his work. I feel like a massive douche wearing it. However, it’s funky to hang up!
Good point. Unfortunately
Danny Trejo looks like he went ten rounds with a power sander...and won.
is the last one worth checking out? I’m okay with feels!
I’ve heard it’s like stepping into an HP lovecraft story. Except the monsters orange
You sir, win this evening. I tip my hat to you!