The Funny Baratheon Brother

This is, unfortunately, a very accurate portrayal of things over there.

75% of the ballots were from early voting.

Those cars are made in the US. Let's kill some jobs!

The GOP loves authoritarians.

"If the Clintons didn't kill Seth Rich who did? Wait a minute, holy cow that is Alan Colmes music playing! Can you believe it! He faked his own death to murder Seth Rich!"

Isn't it fascinating how every one of them uses the exact same terminology, phrases, and sentence structure?

Meanwhile, Fox News finished outside of first place in the primetime time slot for the first time since 2000.

So is Black Flash dead or does he regenerate?

Alien: The Engineers Strike Back.

Or maybe some Engineers come looking for David.

Burn him!

John Wesley Shipp has been drugging the writers since the end of Season One.

We always knew the only villain that could ever out-stupid Barry is evil-Barry.

The Harrison Wells is dead.

Watch out Captain Picard! Daimon Trump is trying to control your mind!

Jonah Ryan had better watch out.

I'm rather drunk, but I do enjoy talking history with you. So few are trained in the classics.

Describing Elagabalus's chariot driver friend as his husband is being charitable.

Well, he was the first trans-gendered celebrity.

I have no pearls to clutch.