The Funny Baratheon Brother

His theories on the fall of the Western Roman Empire is little more than English chest-pounding based on ethnocentric jingoism on how Western, Latin, values are superior to those of the Eastern Empire that lasted a full 1000 years longer. It is cognitive dissonance at its best. He was Roger Ailes before Roger Ailes

Depending on one's circumcision status that is either a lot, or rather fewer, wrinkles.

Orange man-baby?

WTF not. Can't do worse.


Thanks, Obama!

So, being 15.

You are history's greatest monster.

White Castle is a James Comey atrocity.

Bend the knee. Or I'll kiss you.

I know Niles was a bit of a snobbish prig but calling him a Nazi seems a bit much.

Different. But certainly not better. Ilia's Theme, running into the Main Theme and then the Klingon Battle is as good as it gets.

Pfftt. Some threat. Disney probably hopes the hackers release it so they don't have to and they can write it off and claim some insurance money.

I thought Mr. Hands was retired?

Until Sasse puts his vote where his mouth is, and starts legislatively standing up to Trump, he can go blow smoke up a moose's ass. The same with McCain (whom I do respect) and all the rest of the GOP that actually knows better.

It is hard to care about the primarily white, male, and 50 year-old and up viewers when you know all of Cialis' advertising money is tied up on Fox News.

What does Lorne care? He's not American.

The world we live in. The parody is not as silly as the real McCoy. Le sigh.


So, how is the weather in St. Petersburg at this time of year?