The Funny Baratheon Brother

Trump really fucked over the rest of the party. While the FBI did the investigation they could control the narrative somewhat. It gave them plausible deniability if shit hit the fan.

Trump really fucked over the rest of the party. While the FBI did the investigation they could control the narrative somewhat. It gave them plausible deniability if shit hit the fan.

Notice how quiet it has been? Few GOP trolls here and in the media.

Feminine humour?

The outcry is deafening.

Cotton Candy Dance Party was the greatest. Why can't we all feel that great and have so much fun? Oh. Yeah. Pregnancy is a preexisting condition and no cake for you because you're a ghey.

Has there ever been an East Asian cast member? I'm not going to look it up but I've been watching since the early 90s and I don't recall one.

"They lack all compassion, cannot be reasoned with, and are totally unable to think for themselves."

"Yeah, and I can't believe Liberace was gay. I mean, women loved him! I didn't see that one coming"

He speaks better German though. He is fluent in German from his days in the DDR.

He is proficient. Maybe not fluent. He once did an hour long Q&A on the BBC in English.

General Turgidson: "Doctor, you mentioned the ratio of ten women to each man. Now, wouldn't that necessitate the abandonment of the so-called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned?"

It would destroy such life in favor of its new matrix.


Pollock: Pigeon of the Sea.

Game. Blouses.

His fiendish plot to underfund public schools in order to doom lower-income children to menial jobs as adults who will then come to resent the educated elite and, because they were never properly educated with critical thinking skills, be induced to vote against their interests time and again by politicians who

They stop fighting when it is revealed that both their mothers are named Meihui.

Yeah, but it is only an Ed.D. So the joke is on the orientals.