The Funny Baratheon Brother

These films are key to Trump's understanding of CHY-NAH.

There is a wonderful anecdote in his autobiography The Lord of Misrule (a must read) in which he relates a story about an accident he had in Italy in the mid-1960s. It was a rainy night and he slid off a bad Italian mountain road (they are all bad).

And a delightful little ditty:

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?

AV Club should do a Run of the Series but with all of Sir Christopher Lee's films. And then rank them.

He has NPD.

Rome had Black emperors. Racism, or rather ethnocentrism, certainly existed but they really didn't care about skin color. If anything there was a strong prejudice against the extremely fair-skinned Celts and Germans.

And of the Welsh?

I believe the preferred nomenclature these days is "Globalist," not Jewish Liberal Media.

Yeah, but would you want your daughter to marry one?

He's not even a very good Nazi by Nazi standards.

This is the most vile thing Benioff and Weiss have done on that show.

I've heard it is if you survive the wildlife.

Enemas and blistering were on the menu with a heavy course of four bleedings (with one of 32 ounces) over two days.

Which one would you prefer if you had the choice?

The GOP is more cult than party. It is beyond reason.

"Live long and prospAGGGHHHHHH…"

220 degrees. For four hours (six pound roast).

Thwip, thwip, thwip. [Shoots three arrows into itself]
