The Funny Baratheon Brother

And no LoT following. Booo. For months.

My guess is that given the characters present, when Savitar is trapped in the Speed Force, that it may be another Harrison Wells from Earth-?.

Maybe it's Eddie.

I really liked this show when it was on.

Can't wait for the next Brain Fight with Tuck Buckford.

What a putz.

Roger Moore has always seemed like the most interesting actor to play Bond. He seems the most self-aware.

Is there anything scarier than a horror movie starring Shannen Doherty and Tom Green?

Good for him! He and Pinchot made me laugh as a kid. The whole Mypos thing was completely over my head considering Larry and Balki looked nothing alike. I did try watching some episodes as an adult…

Watters, resident Fox News funny man.

I imagine his contract stipulated a non-competition clause with Fox for X number of years with regard to television. He was the flagship show and I find it hard to believe they'd let him have a new show on another network right away.

He was poisoned, strangled, stabbed, bludgeoned and before Lindow Man's head died his last words were "Death is but a door, time is but a window. I'll be back!"

The Report was a satire show. The Late Show is constrained by the imposed late-night chat show format. And having three guests instead of one.

That Brain Fight segment was amazing. Jimmy Fallon would never smear chili over his bared thigh while screaming at his kids to not vaccinate him.

And yay! Trump congratulated a man who vehemently denies the Armenian Genocide on winning a crooked referendum that makes him a dictator.

No, you are not clever. And no, no one thinks you are actually critiquing comedy or that anything you do is motivated by an real interest in the topic being discussed.

You have no friends or family because you're an asshole.

When was the last time anyone in your life actually valued your existence?

Oh, Buzz!

The shitty thing is that the people who support guys like Trump and O'Reilly could care less about their sexually predatory natures. Both men have been accused of rape. Fucking rape. Do the idiot conservative morons who support them (they are also victims of these men in different ways) care? Fuck no. It is the