
... "truth behind the veil"?

In fact, as they are a toy for children, there is nothing even remotely complex about them. That's why adults give them to children, who cannot handle complex tasks.

The legos might actually be a good fit for you. Social retardation of this magnitude requires SOME sort of hobby.

Rage? I think we're starting to get a clearer picture of you.

Nnnno? As an adult, I actually do not fill my time with toys built for children. You do.

Jesus fucking christ... you have an adult job in an office... and you play. with. legos.

You. Play with legos.

You play with legos. Unless you're four I cannot think for a reason for this.

Don't you have some child's amusements to busy yourself with?

I'm not reading a wall of text from a child that plays with legos.

Trolling insufferable infantile twats like you just makes my day. Turn 11, cunt. Put your legos down.

Look at you. You're typing about playing with Legos. Are you five? I doubt very much that a five year old could type as well as you. Maybe you should shut the fuck up until you leave your childhood?

Shut the fuck up.

Both you and this story are retarded remnants left over from 2010.

Journalists really could all benefit from a 5 minute class on "what guns are".

This is me not watching your superfluous Let's Play because fuck you.

Thanks for letting us know.

I've spent actual, live time with the man and I can confirm that you're right. He knows he isn't the most cutting, critical thinker, and he backs it up with nationalist zeal, frat boy dismissiveness, and a few ready-made conversation pivots to make sure he's always the grinning fool who wins the room.

"Just enough info to be dangerous" describes all celebrity doctors. Medical science cannot be boiled down for simple public consumption... so when people try to do just that, it's because they want to sell you something.

... yes. As I already stated, you and the rest of the goddamned internet.