A fair point.
A fair point.
Negative, Ghost-Rider. You’re looking at three of the most sought after aftermarket additions to an S2000.
GTFO. There are almost no similarities between an LFA and an 86 except manufacturer, and they both have windshields and 4 wheels.
Don’t move to Va, then. Property taxes on a 25k vehicle are near a grand. Goes up from there pretty fast.
What’s odd here, is that in many states, it’s just a fine for not having your ID while driving, not an arrest. They usually just look you up by SSN, and call it a day, sign on the line, go pay the fine.
That white truck got annihilated.
That’s a LOT of damage on that car. the whole front end is basically gone, but because of how the hood works, it could have popped up, and come back down later, making it look like it’s not much damage.
Eliza Schneider
Eliza Doolittle is like 20
Can Confirm. Dipped my black car pink once. The entire car peeled in like 5 or 6 large sheets, but there was pinkish residue EVERYWHERE after.
‘Bout a grand in the Hampton Roads area. It’s a fully prepped job, with masking, prep, and multi-coat spray. Some shops offer a warranty, some don’t, ALWAYS go for the shop with the warranty, because plasti-dip is finicky when it comes to surface prep. If not done properly, it will peel itself within a few weeks.
Funny looking yellow mustang.
Best poem about aviation just became the best poem about losing a drag race.
There used to be a weekly meet spot here in Hampton Roads, Virginia with precisely what you are looking for, but then Hondabros started trashing the place, and doing burnouts in the parking lots, and got it shut down, after almost 30 years of existing.
And yes, the hooligans in question were all verified as being a…
No, I’m pretty sure it’s a Lexus product.
And a star for you!
Me, being poor-ish, but employed, and in the car market, showed up to the Dodge dealership in a suit one day, with a small leather book in hand, and politely walked straight up to the salesperson, and in a very mature, and polite tone, informed him I would like his help in convincing me that this car (SRT-8…
My Ex Wife.