
Nintendo internal Staff meeting.

- “so were losing the mature audiences with our lack of gore.”

I usually find having a specific role feels good in the beginning, but gradually starts feeling more, and more stressful.

At least when playing with randoms.

I’m sure most tanks, and healers can recall a point where they just wanted to stop playing a game for a while after a simple mistake combined with an overly toxic

I went and interviewed at blizzard HQ back when Overwatch was still called “Titan”.

The atmosphere there was so great, and liberating.

It’s hard to imagine working there, and slowly watching the atmosphere slip away before your very eyes to a cold fearful one.

Best wishes to all those effected.

Games like Cool Boarders and 1080 Snowboarding may have led the way, but Snowboard Kids was the first to put a more put a more playful spin on the snowboarding genre.

It’s actually kind of funny how many N64 racing games still hold up nowadays, with some being even better than modern racers.

Ive never heard anyone else mention this game, but this was my multiplayer go-to as well. Weren’t there a few other playable characters to unlock, but there was some very high bar to do so? A ninja...?

Now playing

Snowboard Kids 1 and 2 both have incredible MIDI (or whatever the proper term is) soundtracks, it cannot be overstated.

It’s not like some hobby game that a developer released for free out of good-will.

The game was fully designed around the concept of being subtly manipulative.

Some of you guys need to get past this idea that all misleading sales practices are bad. This is a used car lot. Misleading sales practices are how a place like that makes money. Misleading sales practices also work well for a car lot like this that has ongoing business costs. Have to keep the coffee machine going

“ Have to keep the lights on somehow.”. Really? They want to make a Live Service out of every friggin Game. They made the Problem by themself. Why should I give a shit to pay it for them?

I’m totally fine with these microtransactions for the most part, but a legendary skin for one gun you might not even pick up every game costs like $15 in real money.

Look at these “Definitely not like the other bullshit Micro-transactions.”

They’re really great. “Definitely not sponsored”.

I don’t think it’s fair to say that microtransactions don’t affect gameplay when you literally just said two characters can be unlocked through microtransactions. It’s not as bad as it could be but it’s still a gameplay affecting microtransactions. It’s more fair to say that loot boxes don’t affect gameplay. 

Locking characters behind lootboxes or paywall shows very well how the future of the game is going to be..


Whelp i’m out lol.

despite playing what likely adds up to tens of thousands of hours of gaming I don’t think I’ve ever actually dreamed about a video game. I’ve definitely daydreamed about wouldn’t that bush be a great place to pick some herbs and brew a potion. But my dreams are all super fucking weird and all over the

I like to imagine that every dimension actually gets a super-power, and ours is to control other dimensions in our dreams.

If you are a more powerful dream symbiotic then you get to control people in dimensions that have more powerful superpowers.

This is why I always try to leave my dream world in a better state than

“won’t let you use the Titan mech suits.

Am I reading this right?
Isn’t that Titanfalls main gimmick?

I guess i’m just frustrated because big ass mechs would have been something new to the battle royal mix, and maybe finally make teamplay actually feel kickass once a team-member dons the mech, and your squad mows

Edge of Tomorrow is the same premise, and could have been a kickass videogame.

Half Metal gear solid - Sneak Portions.
Half Titanfall.

“The story isn’t anywhere near as interesting as Fire Emblem’s”