
One part of the problem is that, in the entertainment business, "talent" often has more power and pull than their bosses do.

Unless they figure out how to keep people from just making new accounts to harass from, I don't see how this will do all that much good. But, I guess any step in the right direction is a good thing.

That means you haven't seen Idiocracy! You must see Idiocracy. Everyone must see Idiocracy.

I was with you until the last 6 words. Rape is fairly unique in the amount of damage it does to the human psyche. I feel for your friend, I truly do - it's a terrible stigma to carry.

False accusations do ruin lives. Period. No need to compare the level of ruin to rape victims, or anyone else.

I don't have a problem, in theory, with people being prosecuted for false police reports. But, in practice, I have a very big problem with actual victims being afraid to report a crime because they are afraid to be put in jail. I think the bar has to be set fairly high, in terms of prosecuting these cases - they

Something something boomer sooner.

Using "girls" as an insult is crappy.

You make an excellent point, and I should not have painted all of Oklahoma with the same brush. Good to hear that Oklahoma has it's liberal pockets.

That said, I am actually sort of learning a lot from living in an area where my political beliefs are the extreme minority. I have lived in liberal-to-extremely-liberal

At the same time, though, the resurgence of attention on Bill Cosby's rapes is largely the result of a comedian joking about it.

That is a question that comes up every few years. It should be noted that press isn't allowed into locker rooms immediately after the game - there is usually 15-20 min or so of "privacy".

In the end, there are a few reasons behind locker room interviews. First, you have to understand the symbiotic relationship

I was a TV tech for sports broadcasts from 1999-2009. I have been in a lot of locker rooms and clubhouses. It's a perfect example of male privilege. They are such weird places - in a lot of locker rooms, there isn't really even much of a wall or divider between the showers. I can't imagine anyone feeling totally

I reread that section a few times, because I found it particularly disturbing in it's implications. These "stair guards".

The male witness apparently approached the stair guards and attempted to intervene, but, was assured that they were "taking care of it" Taking it further would mean forcing his way through these

I'm in the Panhandle. It's beautiful, and I love it, but, after almost two years I am still shocked by the racism and/or sexism, on an almost daily basis. The two things are expressed very differently, though. Racist comments are open and hostile. The sexism mainly takes place in the form of lowered expectations,

Studies show that it has more to do with population density than nationality (although I am sure there is some variation among nations). People in small towns and villages tend to be willing to involve themselves each other's lives and in problems that they encounter, much more often than people in cities, where we

I do think you struck a good tone - "Kelly" rightfully comes off as the hero of the story.

But, I know some people who risked and lost a lot, due to their choice to bear witness to an injustice - including someone who was murdered in his own home while waiting to testify as a witness at an assault trial and whose

As a fairly new resident of a different part of Oklahoma, after 30+ years on the more progressive coasts, this protest is goddamned amazing and beautiful. These young women are standing up to a LOT, without the support structure they would be able to rely on in many other parts of this country - there just aren't a

Why not morally? I think we all respect the courage of a victim who is willing come forward and tell their story, why not also respect a witness who does the same? The desire to stay out of potential troubling situations that we can possibly avoid is a basic human desire - it's self-preservation. Overcoming that

I am not saying that the investigation will be difficult, merely that it hasn't happened yet. This telling of events is not from the police, the coroner, or as the result of any investigation - this story is the claim of the driver of the car/boyfriend of the dead woman.

From the linked CNN piece:

People do dumbass stuff, I can believe this is possible. I just don't believe it should be reported as fact, as Jez did, or accepted as fact, as many commenters are doing.

As the linked CNN story at the source of this piece made a point to say: "The investigation is continuing because police want to be sure the story

Absolutely great piece, and a terrific follow-up. You all do a lot of cool and funny stuff here at Deadspin, but, The Stacks is by far my favorite thing about this site.