
The shooting was Friday night, and you are saying the police investigation is done? Has the coroner ruled even whether the shooting was accidental, yet?

Here is the conclusion of the CNN story linked in the shooting piece:

"The investigation is continuing because police want to be sure the story as told by the

To be fair, though, that's a terrible reason for abandoning basic tenets of journalism. I understand why Cosby got an "allegedly" - he has powerful lawyers, and he will sue.

I don't respect the decision to treat the driver/shooters story as fact, rather than taking it for what it is - a witness's* claim.


Absolutely. But, none of that has been done yet. At this point, there is only the claim of the driver/boyfriend. His claim may be true, but, it shouldn't - at this point - be treated as fact.

The headline states driver/boyfriend's claim as fact - no "allegedly", no "reportedly", no "boyfriend claims". Just, "Woman 'Ready For Ferguson" Shoots Self With Own Gun".

So, when it's accusations against Bill Cosby, Jezebel includes an "allegedly".

When a woman is shot in the head, and the only other possible shooter claims she accidentally shot herself in the head while waving around a loaded, chambered pistol with the safety off, in a moving car, that is reported as fact.


So, you see it as zero chance that he is lying.

Or, he is lying. That has to be considered as a possibility, no?

I would guess/hope that an investigation would look into a lot of that. But, there hasn't been an investigation yet - all there is is the story of the driver of the car. He may be telling the truth, but, this headline states his story as fact. Right now, his story is a claim, a report, or an allegation. No such

I am not saying his story isn't plausible, I am saying it is not fact. There has been no investigation into the shooting, there has been no finding of evidence. His claim that it was an accident may be true, but, as of now, it is just a claim - and that is how it should have been reported. This headline states his

Two people in a car, one ends up shot in the head, and you think that the most obvious and straightforward answer is that she was waving a loaded, chambered gun, with the safety off, in a moving car, causing the driver to become distracted, rear ending another car, causing the gun to go off, causing her to shoot

Going by Occam's Razor, every gun death is an accident.

There are two people in a car. One ends up dead. The survivor claims a fairly convoluted accident.

And, you believe it as fact?

Isn't it also plausible that he was admiring his new gun, while driving, got in an accident, and the gun went off and killed her?

Or, that they were arguing in the car, he took out the gun to threaten her, he got in an accident, and the gun went off?

Or that they were arguing in the car, she took out the gun to

Statistically yes, but, that also could be said of all murders with guns - statistically, the odds are better of an accident. But, actual events aren't dictated by statistics. His specific story in this specific instance reads as suspicious, to me.

His story is that she was waving a loaded gun in a moving car, and,

Shouldn't this headline have a "reportedly" in there, somewhere? Because I find the boyfriend/driver's story to be very hard to believe.

I spent 10 years working as a TV tech. Dress codes aren't all that unusual - whether it be show blacks, corporate casual, or, occasionally, formal.

I also don't see how a gig like that would require much heavy lifting. A handheld camera and a tripod, maybe a mic and a light if there is on-camera talent, as well.

12 years old is EASILY old enough to know not to carry a fake grenade in your bag when you fly.

But, why does anyone have a fake grenade? Is it a lighter? Does it do butt stuff? How much fun could it possibly be?

Are you really suggesting that white women never say racist stuff? Come on out to Oklahoma, some time.

That was the public spin that Pelosi gave, but it is widely believed to be because Duckworth did not support Pelosi's preferred candidate for a committee chair.

Because Duckworth did not support Pelosi's choice for a committee position.