
"As a rule, Montgomery County schools close for Jewish high holidays due to the area's high Jewish populations—they say that not canceling classes would result in attendance problems.

I disagree with the premise that this election went poorly for progressives.

The GOP doesn't have enough Senate seats to break a filibuster, or a Presidential veto. But, now the Repubs on the Hill actually have to put some ideas and bills forward, rather than just sniping from the cheap seats. It sets things up

Robin Ficker is a piece of garbage who should not be given attention by anyone, for anything.

I love Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood Stories, but, I gotta go with the Wayne Brady sketch as best Chapelle's Show sketch. That shit went deep.

It makes so much more sense to have the camera in the front of the bear, though - hard to hide a camera lens on the back of a bear, those teddy bear nanny-cams all shoot from the eyes, I believe.

But, cameras are so small these days that if he wanted to, he could have hidden one damned near anywhere.

Seems to me to be a completely misleading headline. Saying "you aren't who you were on the internet" is NOT the same as saying "you don't match your profile". This wasn't some first date where he discovered she used an old pic or had dyed her hair - he apparently moved to Kentucky to be with her, presumably they

Reading the linked story, it doesn't read as much like "you don't match your profile" as it does "you aren't the same person you were when we were chatting", which strikes me as akin to the rather familiar "he/she isn't the same person he/she was when we started dating".

I know the headline says "because she didn't

99.9% of locations used in TV and movies draw little to no interest afterwards. This situation is far more of an exception than the rule.

When did gendered profession titles come back? I am middle-aged - raised in the '70s "Free To Be You And Me" mold, and was taught that those sort of professional gender differentials were insulting and wrong. Air stewards and stewardesses became "flight attendants", waiters and waitresses became "servers". I was

One study that hasn't been peer reviewed = "a good chance"? Really?

Obviously we are talking a big "if" here - while authorities have said the abuse may go back for years, there is no evidence that the accused in this case were previously victims of the same type of assault. I am not trying to make a leap to defend them or excuse the behavior - just speaking purely in a hypothetical

How is that a "nope"?

If it turns out that this has gone on for years, and the accused are previous victims, I really think that shifts a good deal of the culpability from the accused and onto the school, the coaches, etc. If a 14 year old kid were victimized, with no acknowledgement or punishment for the attackers,

If it turns out that this was a "tradition" at Sayersville, and the accused are/were also victims, does that change anything - legally or morally?

Reading it seems terrible, but, if nude pics of my best friend were leaked online, I can't see me not looking. Once I looked, I can't see lying about it to my friend. I'd want to see how bad they were, how revealing they were, and probably a large degree of how "good" they were.

Any of my close friends, really -

Not trolling - an honest question:

When does it become a sex crime? How naked does someone have to be before hacking an account and stealing files becomes a sex crime?

To me, the "it's my body and it should be my choice" aspect doesn't really apply to photos and videos - it was Ray Rice's body being shown beating his

I think that what happened to Lawrence, and others, is completely wrong. Morally, this is a cut-and-dry situation. Legally, however, I am not sure I agree with the "this should be a sex crime" aspect of things. Secretly photographing or videoing someone in similar circumstances? Absolutely a crime - and a sex

I wonder - if every adult American were required to upload a nudie pic to a searchable database, so we could all just see each others nudie bits and move on, would the country be a better or a worse place?


Sally Jenkins is not a credible moral arbiter. She hammered Tiger Woods for cheating on his wife, but excused her buddy Lance Armstrong for destroying peoples' lives, and then called on us all to forgive Joe Paterno because he had never heard of sex between a man and a boy. A very skilled writer, but has repeatedly

Short answer? Yes.

Long answer? Yyyyyyeeeeeeessssssss.